Culture Days

Culture Days information image

Culture Days is a national celebration of arts and culture. At the end of each September, millions of people attend thousands of free participatory arts and culture events across the country both in-person and online. Culture Days programs invite the public to get hands-on and behind-the-scenes to highlight the importance of arts and culture in our communities. 

Hanover invites you to discover more about our vibrant and HIPP Culture by participating in the following events and activities:

September 20, 2024Driftscape Tourism & Culture Map LaunchDiscover our places, events, and self-guided tours all in one spot.

September 21, 2024


Fall Market in the SquareShop local - over 40 vendors of crafts, and unique itemsHeritage Square, Downtown Hanover

September 21, 2024 


Cultural Showcase
  • Saugeen Artists Guild Show & Sale
  • Heritage Archive Display
  • Hanover Public Library Around The World featuring displays from 5 countries, scavenger hunt & prizes
  • Grey Bruce Singers Behind The Scenes Rehearsal 12pm-2pm on the Civic Theatre stage
Community Hall in the Civic Centre, 341 10th Street
+ Attend the Cultural Showcase to Enter
We have 10 pairs of tickets to giveaway for The Sound of Hanover Reading Concert with Larry Mercey, Jamie Warren, John Gardiner & Richard Knechtel, presented by the Hanover Public Library on September 28th at the Hanover Civic Theatre

September 28, October 5 & 12th, 2024 

8am - 2pm

Eat Well Farmers' MarketBringing community and local food togetherHeritage Square, Downtown Hanover

October 4 - 6 , 2024

10 am - 5 pm daily

Saugeen Artists Guild Fall Studio tour



Autumn Leaves Studio Tour

Various Saugeen Artist Guild Member studios across Grey Bruce Region


Wind your way through the picturesque back roads of Grey and Bruce Counties to visit inspiring studios, talk to the artists and see demonstrations.

Saugeen Artists Guild




October 9, 2024

4 pm - 4:50 pm

Free Public Skate P&H Centre
September 20 - October 13, 2024Self GuidedTourism and Culture Map | Hanover

HIPP Culture

Hanover is a vibrant cultural community waiting for you to discover what it has to offer. So take our Cultural Quiz to see what type of cultural explorer you are. With your results, we’ll provide you a list of activities you might be interested in.