OtherBoard/Committee Representation
- Community Safety and Well-Being Committee
Councillor Susan Sakal is serving her first term on Council. Susan has lived in Hanover with her husband, Brian, for 43 years where they raised two children and now they have a grandson. She retired in 2013 after a 34 year teaching career at Sacred Heart High School where she was a department head for many years. From 2014 to 2022 Susan served as Vice Chair and a member of the Hanover Public Library Board. As a library representative, she was a member of Hanover’s Cultural Roundtable from 2019 to 2022 which allowed Susan to join forces with a variety of cultural partners. An organization that is close to Susan’s heart is the Hanover and Area Operation Christmas Child group. From 2013 to 2022 her small team has packed shoeboxes filled with small gifts for needy children around the world. In an effort to stay healthy and active, Susan joined the Hanover Area PROBUS Club where she participates in a variety of activities offered by the organization. Susan looks forward to working on behalf of the citizens of Hanover over the next four years and she hopes to continue volunteering as much as possible.