Councillor Dave Hocking is married to his wife Lorna and has a daughter Stephanie, two granddaughters Ashley and Taylor and two great grandaughters Avaleigh and Sophie. Dave is a proud Hanoverian who was born and raised in Hanover and attended James A Magee Elementary School and Hanover and District High School. Dave has a Honours BSc from University of Guelph and teaching certificate from Althouse College of Education as well as a Master Degree in Education from OiSE. Dave's teaching career spanned over 31 years and he retired as principal of JDSS in 2002. Dave then worked for Royal Lepage RCR Realty for 12 years. Dave served 3 terms on Town Council from 1985 to 1993 and finished his 4th term from 2018-2022. Dave has served as fundraising chair for the construction of 3 capital projects namely; the Aquatic Centre, the Medical Centre and the P & H Centre and served on the Hanover and District Hospital Board for 10 years having served as chair of the board for 3 years. Currently Dave is a member of the Hanover and District Probus Club. Dave served as council appointee on the Library Board, Parks, Recreaction and Culture Committee, Economic Development Committee, Cultural Roundtable and Saugeen Municipal Airport Commission. Dave is looking forward to his return to council and working with the new council, the staff and community volunteers as we collectively build on the accomplishments of previous councils and volunteer groups. Dave considers it a great honour to serve the people of Hanover once again.