Lottery Licenses

First Time Applicants

It must be determined by the Licensing Officer that the organization is eligible to conduct lotteries. The organization must be based within the boundaries of the Town of Hanover, and must have been in existence for at least one complete year prior to being considered eligible for lottery licenses. You must have a lottery trust account with two signing officers of the charity with cheque signing privileges, and monthly bank statements.


The following is required for a complete application:

  • Constitution and Bylaws
  • Incorporation papers (Letters Patent)
  • Notification of Charitable Registration (Canada Customs and Revenue Agency), if applicable
  • Most recent Registered Charity Information Return & Public Information Return, as submitted to Canada Customs and Revenue Agency, if applicable
  • Financial statement for previous year (audited, where applicable)
  • Detailed outline of all programs/services provided in the previous year and specific costs incurred in delivery
  • Detailed outline of all programs/services currently provided and specific costs incurred in their delivery
  • Current operating budget
  • Current listing of the Board of Directors
  • If Applicant is a Youth Sports Group - number of members and their ages
  • Any other information that will assist in determining the charitable nature of the objects and purposes. This could include an annual report, correspondence relating to its charitable number for income-tax purposes, confirmation that it meets the reporting requirements of the Charities Accounting Act.
  • Proposed use of proceeds, which must be consistent with the primary objects and purposes of the organization and of a charitable nature consistent with at least one of the four classifications of charitable purposes as follows:
    • the Relief of Poverty
    • the Advancement of Education
    • the Advancement of Religion
    • other Charitable purposes beneficial to the community which may include; the promotion of arts and cultural activities; cultural, ethnic, native, historic or heritage pursuits; the improvement of the quality of health through medical research; treatment programs and preventative programs; youth sporting activities; and community projects undertaken by service organizations.

Lottery Licensing Fees

  • Bingo - In Town group - 3% of prize value
  • Bingo - Out of Town group - 3% of prize value
  • Raffle - In Town group - 3% of prize value; minimum $15.00
  • Raffle - Out of Town group - 3% of prize value; minimum $25.00
  • Bazaar - In Town group - 3% of prize value
  • Bazaar - Out of Town group - 3% of prize value
  • Break Open Tickets - In Town group - 3% of prize value of each box, $3000.00 maximum/calendar year
  • Break Open Tickets - Out of Town group - 3% of prize value