The Hanover Cemetery is owned, operated and managed by the Town of Hanover. It is located at 95 7th Avenue and is comprised of two sections separated by the County Line between the Counties of Grey and Bruce.
Visitors are always welcome at the Cemetery during the hours from 9:00 am to dusk daily, or otherwise by appointment with the Caretaker.
Cemetery Map
Use the GIS Map of the Hanover Cemetery to locate your loved one or find an available plot for purchase.
Regulations, Fees and Resources
The Town is licenced by the BAO to operate Hanover Cemetery under Licence No. 3270429.
All cemeteries in Ontario are regulated by the Bereavement Authority of Ontario (BAO).
The regulations set forth in the Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act, 2002 ensure the rights of the public are protected. The BAO publishes the Consumer Information Guide which provides information with respect to what is required, permitted or prohibited in the bereavement sector of Ontario.
Separate from the povincial regulations, each cemetery operator sets its own by-laws governing how it operates.